Properties for Sale or Rent include: Single-family homes, condos, town-homes, villas, mobile homes on private land; income properties such as duplexes, triplexes and quadplexes; vacant land, lots, farms.
Your property may be listed for up to 12 months (you decide how long) and you are free to cancel the listing at any time unless you are under contract through the MLS and a Realtor who is due a commission. Help with pricing strategies is available.
Your name and contact information will be available to buyers agents via the secure section of the MLS. Agents will contact you for information, showing appointments and with any offers to present.
Change requests are easily handled via email. There is no charge for simple changes (i.e. price, status change, etc.). If you get crazy with change requests we will send you a bill.
Yes, you can definitely use your own sign. Many of our clients do. When potential buyers contact you, a simple and polite way to start the conversation is by asking, ‘Are you currently working with a real estate agent?’ This helps determine if they’re already represented. If they are, you’ll want to direct them to have their agent contact you. If they aren’t, you can then answer their questions about the property.
Yes. You must offer a commission to an agent that brings you a buyer; this is a requirement to be listed in the MLS. You determine the commission and it can be a flat fee or a percentage of the sales price.
You do. Any leads or buyer inquiries generated by your listing will be forwarded to you.
We currently service the Mid-Florida Regional area which includes Pinellas, Pasco, Polk, Marion, DeSoto, Manatee, Hillsborough, Sumter, Lake, Seminole, Charlotte, Osceola, Orange, Volusia and Sarasota counties in Florida. You should list with a Broker who is local and experienced.