
Thank you for your one-time payment of $250.00 and Congratulations!

You have now completed the first step towards getting your Flat Fee MLS. Now all you need to do is download and complete the applicable MLS forms listed below, and return them back to me via email, along with uploading the photo(s) you'd like used in your listings. After you complete the forms, please email the forms to:  Wendy@WendySmithFlatFee.com


Please upload the photos or files you'd like used in your MLS listing.

You may upload up to 35 photos/files in .JPG and .PDF format only, with a maximum size of 2MB for each photo or file (ie. site survey).  At least one front of the property/building photo is required per MLS rules.

Once the information is uploaded to MLS, you will receive a copy of the “live” listing.  Once live, national and local internet sites will pick up the MLS data and your listing will be available on thousands of internet real estate sites including Realtor.com, Zillow, Trulia, etc.

Thank you for choosing Wendy Smith Flat Fee MLS!

Wendy Smith 

*Please Bookmark this page for future reference, before closing it out.